Detail of Ay Mariposa mural created in February 2019
Ay Mariposa is a series of streetart murals created in support of the documentary Ay Mariposa that premiered May 4, 2019. The concept was proposed by the filmmaker, Jenny Nichols, to create a series of butterfly murals as a streetart campaign that could build awareness of the film project and the conservation devastation that was occurring at the US Mexico border. Endangered Activism created two murals using reproductions of original maps from the 1800’s and 3-D installations of butterfly migrations. One was installed in Denver, Colorado and the other at Wood’s Distillery in Salida, Colorado. We reached out to other artists to create their own versions for the project and our collaborator for #WhatWeLose, Mexican artist Diana Garcia created a mural in Mexico City and reached out to two other local artists to engage. We have three more flutters planned for 2019 including one in our hometown of Breckenridge, Colorado in conjuction with a screening of Ay Mariposa at the Breckenridge Film Festival.
Installing a flutter in Salida, Colorado
Ay Mariposa Documentary Campaign